- ABOUT_US.html
Hello there!
Welcome to Lethal.Cassettes Website!
I go by many many names online- but here, you can call me Cass (from Lethal.Cassettes.. get it? Cass-ettes? Whatever..) and currently I am learning how to build a website.. among other things. In the future I am hoping to make this site at least somewhat usable for the more public usage!
And for that... Well ◎(╥ꞈ╥)◎ We still have a loooooot to learn.
The plan I have for this website is to make it an [MOTHERBOARD KEEPER] for all the sites I have used in the past and gather them all up in a neat little package so people like you can have easier time accessing them.
One would normally ask for you to join my journey BUT! You dont have to stay here right now! Feel free to come back anytime and see me and the site improve!
If you know me, then you know I dont like doing things easy! (´・_・、)
Another day, Another dollar.
Holy molly this site is so barebones when it comes to it's presentation.
No matter! - I do not believe in aesthetics anyway. I recently rarely find any enjoyment out of making things "look good" anymore. Who knows! Maybe it's just a phase.
Speaking of phases, my brain will explode in T-minus week if I dont get proper social communicators feeding my brain.
No corpo talk. It hurts my brain.
There might be some major changes to the site soon
Contact Media:
From most used to Least:
System Updates:
Need for system updates such as:
Site Updates:
Hey I am not doing my job!
Gather Free-to-lookat Media:
- Youtube: Eternal Everhood.
- Old Instagram: @lethal.cassettes.
- Itch.io: Moonlight Sonata 3rd Movement.
- 。:゚More to come!゚(´∀`)・。
Im still finding my old links please be patient!